الماء والطاقة

التعديلات المعلمة


نهج ثوري

لتوفير الطاقة وحماية البيئة

بلو بوسون تكنولوجي

مغير اللعبة

في الصناعة والاقتصاد والصحة

المعالجة بالسائل القائم علي فيزياء الكم,

بما في ذلك عدم معالجة المياه كيميائيًا،

التي تحقق ضعف التوفير في الطاقة والثورة البيئية، <

بدون متطلبات الاستثمار.

بوسون يعني "الجسيمات الأولية"


جلب الابتكار لجميع جوانب الحياة وإلهام الآخرين.

لتحقيق ذلك بلو بوسون أنشأت مختبرات الاختبار
للتحقق من التقنيات القائمة، وبناء خطوط التصنيع

لإدخال الجيل التالي من المنتجات تدريجيًا،,
وتسويق تطبيقات التكنولوجيا.

وضعت الأساس لنهج جديد في البحث والتطوير،

التي ستلهم التطورات العلمية والتكنولوجية الجديدة.

من خلال الشراكات المختلفة، بلو بوسون ستعمل بطرق تعاونية

التحدي العالمي

إن تغير المناخ الناجم عن النشاط البشري له عواقب وخيمة على كوكبنا.
الطاقة هي العمود الفقري للاقتصاد العالمي. يتم استهلاك الوقود والطاقة في الجيل
في الكهرباء والتدفئة والتبريد وكذلك في عمليات الإنتاج الصناعي.
إن الطريقة التي يتم بها توليد الطاقة واستخدامها واستخدامها لها تأثير عميق
على جودة البيئة وعلى صحة وسلامة السكان.

الوضع العالمي:

  • التركيز الحالي على العواقب وليس على السبب
  • يتم استخدام 40٪ من المياه العذبة العالمية في الصناعة
  • استخدام مكثف للمواد الكيميائية في معالجة المياه
  • يتم خسارة 0.5٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بسبب الأخطاء في الأنظمة
  • أنظمة التدفئة والتبريد لا تلبي احتياجات الإنتاج
  • الغياب العالمي للحل البسيط

الحل العالمي
تكنولوجيا الكم

يتم تنظيم طريقة براءة اختراع معداتنا

التركيب الجزيئي فوق الماء،

بالإضافة إلى الوسائط السائلة والغازية الأخرى،,

على ثلاثة مستويات - الفيزيائية والكيميائية والطاقة.

طريقة تغيير روابط الهيدروجين

يؤدي إلى تغيير معاملات الماء

مثل التوتر السطحي، السيولة، السعة الحرارية،,

الكثافة، معدل التبخر، التفاعلية..

على نحو فعال، تحصل الطبيعة على فرصة

لاستعادة التوازن على كوكبنا.

وان انرجي

نحن نصنع فرقًا عالميًا في جودة:








الماء هو مصدر الحياة على كوكبنا.

نبدأ بالماء:
المادة الأكثر شيوعًا والأكثر شهرة في نفس الوقت على الأرض.
خصائص المياه فريدة، ولا تتناسب مع قوانين الفيزياء المقبولة عمومًا
هذا يخلق فرصتنا. تكنولوجيا بلو بوسون تعيد تعريف القواعد في جميع مجالات حياتنا.

"إن الثورة الحقيقية في عالمنا التجاري هي من خلال طريق تطور الادراك"

– روبورت زاجوزدزون--

دعونا نقدم تطبيقنا الأول، بلو بوسون:

بحسب البحوث السريعة حول الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية للمياه
لتي تنفذها التعاون العلمي الدولي، لورا مايسترو من جامعة اوكسفورد
وفيزياء الكم في إيطاليا والمكسيك واسبانيا والوليات المتحدة الامريكية,,
هناك حالتان ممكنة للماء السائلof liquid water.

"اكتشف الباحثون أن الماء حقا لديه ذاكرة-- نوايا إنسان "

يمكن أن تغير هيكل الماء. هذه الكلمة—هيكل-- هي المفتاح "



Conditions for www.blueboson.eu users

The Operator of www.blueboson.eu pages is Blue Boson SE (hereinafter the “Operator“), which under the Copyright Act (No. 618/2003 Coll) and by virtue of related rights is authorized to exercise any proprietary rights over this site.

The Operator reserves the sole right to determine, issue and amend conditions regulating use of the www.blueboson.eu internet pages. In using these pages you agree to the following conditions:

The Operator hereby authorizes you to use its www.blueboson.eu pages solely for your personal purposes. Use of pages for any other purposes (as a whole or any part thereof) is subject to prior consent by the Operator, as defined in the Copyright Act. Access to and usage of www.blueboson.eu pages is free.

The Operator’s objective is to provide the users with correct and up-to date information and data on its www.blueboson.eu pages. However, the data released on these pages are of informative and not binding nature. The Operator is not responsible for accuracy and relevance of the data adopted from other sources. www.blueboson.eu pages can use temporary file storage, cookies. More information at www.blueboson.eu/en/cookies-policy

Pursuant to Act No 428/2002. Coll. – “Personal Data Protection”, the Operator may make use of its internet pages conditional upon receipt of certain personal data from its users. The user providing any data and information via the www.blueboson.eu pages, hereby gives his/her consent to the Operator to use this information for its internal purposes.

The Operator is not responsible for the following:

  • Advertising, or any other promotional method managed by the third party via www.blueboson.eu pages,
  • Contents and loss arising from use of third parties´ pages, which can be visited through www.blueboson.eu pages.

Any interventions in the technical substance or contents of the internet pages are strictly forbidden, unless approved by the Operator. The Operator has an exclusive right to make changes, remove or amend any part of the pages.

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Unless otherwise stated and except for the above-referred conditions, the publishing of any data or information on the www.blueboson.eu pages does not constitute any legal act designed to establish a legal relationship between the Operator and the user. The legal relationships established between the Operator and the user are governed by the conditions effective on the day when these relationships have been established.

Conditions regulating use of the www.blueboson.eu pages are valid and effective as from the date of their release.


Data collection

(1) Personal data

Using this website, we do not collect any personal data unless you provide such data on a voluntary basis (using the forms provided on the website or using our contact function), you have expressly agreed to the collection or the corresponding law regulations on the privacy of your data permit us to to so.

Personal data are data that can be used to identify you or other individuals to which these data possibly relate as a person. Examples of personal data are names, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses.

(2) Communication or usage-related data

If you access this website, communication-related data (e.g. internet protocol address) or usage-related data (e.g. start and duration of use as well as the telecommunications services used by you) will be created automatically by technical means, stored and processed for analyzing the use of the website. These data may possibly give information on the personal data. As far as collection, processing or use of your communication or usage-related data is mandatory beyond normal use this is subject to data privacy legislation.


We will use the personal data you provided only for the purpose you provided us the data for in particular to answer or process your requests or to provide you access to specific information or offers. For this purpose, it may be required that we store and process the personal data you provided or that we pass it on to third parties.

Transmission to third parties

In principle, there is no transmission of your data to third parties unless we are obliged by law or entitled to do so (e.g. when processing order data) or unless you have expressly agreed to a transmission.

Personal data is only transferred to national institutions and authorities in line with binding national legislation or if the transmission is required in the case of attacks to our network infrastructure for prosecution.

Your data will not be passed on to third parties with the sole exclusion of partner organizations who are responsible for the technical processes involved in sending the newsletter. However, in these cases the scope of the data transmitted is limited only to the required minimum.

Specific use

We will only collect, process and use the personal data you have provided online for the purposes communicated to you, unless the collection, processing and use is

  • for an end directly related to the purpose for which the personal data was collected in the first place,
    • is required by law, or by order of governmental or judicial authorities,
    • to establish or protect a legal claim, or to defend against unlawful activities.
  • used to prevent abuse or other unlawful activities e.g. wilfull attacks on our systems to guarantee data privacy.

Data processing on this website

Blue Boson SE automatically collects and stores items of information which your browser transmits to us on its server log files. These are:

  • Browser type/version
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL (the page visited previously)
  • Time of server request
  • IP address

These data cannot be attributed to specific individuals by Blue Boson SE. These data are not combined with other sources of data, and the data are deleted after statistical analysis.


Blue Boson SE will take all required technical and organizational precautions to protect your personal data against unintended or unlawful deletion, modification or loss and against unauthorized transmission or unauthorized access.
We attempt to limit access to the data base to authorized users. We can, however, not guarantee that unauthorized users will not gain access.

Right to disclosure

At any time, you have the right to disclosure of data stored regarding you personally, its source and recipients, and the purpose of its storage. Disclosure of the stored data can be provided by the data privacy officer Blue Boson SE: see Contact section.

Deleting and Blocking your Data

Your data will be deleted as soon as and as far as the processing of your matter or your request is concluded or if you ask us to do so. Please contact us in writing or per email: see Contact section.

Legal notice

Blue Boson SE checks and updates the information on its website on an ongoing basis. Despite every possible measure being taken, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore we cannot accept any liability or guarantee for the current status, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Blue Boson SE retains the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. The content and structure of the Blue Boson SE web pages are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, sections of text or images, requires prior agreement by Blue Boson SE.

Including and updating the data privacy statement

By using this portal you declare that you are in agreement with the terms of use described above. Ongoing developments in information technology and the Internet also require an adjustment to the existing data privacy statement. We reserve the right to make changes or additions to the existing data privacy statement at any time. This statement was current in September 2017.


Principles of using cookies

In compliance with § 55 par. 5 Act of the National Council of the SR No. 351/2011 Coll. on Electronic Communications as amended we kindly inform you about using cookies and draw your attention to a possibility of changing the settings of your browser in case the current settings for using cookies is not convenient for you.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files which can be sent to browser when you visit websites and saved to your device (computer or other device with Internet access, i.e. smartphone or tablet). Cookies are saved in the folder for files of your browser. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from and the date of origin. Upon your next visit the browser loads cookies again and sends the information back to the website which had originally created cookies. Cookies we use do not harm your computer.

Using cookies
By using the websites operated by the company Blue Boson, you give your consent to using cookies in compliance with your browser settings. If you visit our websites, acceptance of cookies is allowed in your browser, you do not change your browser settings and continue visiting our websites, we consider it as accepting our conditions for using cookies.

Why are we using cookies?
Cookies are used to optimally create and constantly improve the quality of our services, adjust them to your interests and needs and improve their structure and contents. The company Blue Boson does not use data obtained by using cookies to contact users by mail, e-mail or telephone.

How to change settings of cookies?
Majority of browsers has been originally set to automatically accept cookies. These settings can be changed by blocking cookies or by a notification in case cookies are to be sent to your device. Instructions for changing cookies are available in the option “Help” of every browser. If you use different devices to access websites (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet), we recommend that you adjust every browser on each of them fitting your preferences the best regarding cookies.

Why to keep settings of cookies?
Using cookies and permitting cookies in your browser is your decision. However, in case you change the settings of cookies, functionality of some of our websites can be limited and their user comfort reduced.

We use cookies on our website.